To Former and New Members:
It is a distinct honor and privilege to serve as your President. I’d like to thank and congratulate our out-going President, Dr. James Dula who worked diligently, tirelessly and with impeccable professionalism during his term.
We are now facing new challenges with the uncertainties that the Coronavirus has presented.
We will be operating in the new “normal” with virtual meetings until it is safe to meet in large groups again. It may not be “business as usual” but business will be conducted anyway!
The South County Democratic Club (SCDC) has a strong foundation. It is my vision to continue to build on the successes and strengthen its out-reach and services that promote the goals of the Democratic Party. My theme “GROW” fosters that mission.
G - Generate resources and funds to sustain and expand our programs and services, i.e. Voter registration, Get Out The Vote, Democratic Issues and Forums, Candidate Debates.
R - Recruit, retain, renew membership.
O - Offer services and resources to the community through our Out -Reach programs, i.e. Monitoring the electoral process, providing transportation to the polls.
W - Work with affiliate organization to expand our out-outreach to the community
My philosophy for leading an organization is “An organization is only as strong as the people who run it!” Therefore, I am confident that we can move SCDC forward and GROW in spite of the pandemic because we have the commitment, dedication and the talent to do so.
Juanita Miller